Recordings from the last 5 services are usually available. To listen to a recording just click on the > icon for the recording that you wish to hear. You can pause or play the recording or move around within the recording by dragging the marker on the progress bar. Adjust the volume by clicking and dragging the bar which appears when you hover over the volume icon.

For further help with listening to the website media, please see the help page of this website. To download a recording as an MP3 file, click on the 3 dots and select the Download option. We do keep an archive of previous services. Although this is not available online, we can make audio files available on request.

Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Sunday Morning Service 21st July Kingsley Coomber 21st July 2024 6.38 MB
Psalm 25
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Sunday Morning Service 14th July Mark Pash 14th July 2024 10.52 MB
2 Corinthians 4:1-12
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
All-age Family Service 7th July 2024 James Clarke 7th July 2024 8.03 MB
Luke 15:1-10
pdf document Stories of the Kingdom part 4_ Lost__ and Found.pdf
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Sunday Morning Service 30th June Russ Clark 30th June 2024 7.8 MB
Matthew 5:1-12
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Sunday Morning Service 23rd June Steve Piggott 23rd June 2024 9.27 MB
Joshua 5:13 - 6:27 - Apologies for poor recording
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